Photos of 460 Sqn most of them provided by Bud Ward
Bud’s crew 20 OTU Elgin Scotland winter 1942/43 Left to right: Unknown instructor from OTU,Norman Conway (N),Harry 'Bud' Ward(AG), Lindsay Greenaway(BA), Francis Randall(P), Harry Petersen(WOP) (short fellow in front - they used to tease him about his height) |
Bud’s crew 20 OTU Elgin Scotland winter 1942/43 L to R: backrow: Greenaway, Randall, Petersen front row: Ward, Conway |
An original lancaster with manchester body: W8263 AR-M ‘mother’. Buds crew took this one to Hamburg on their third op. RAF ground crew l to r: LAC Simpson, LAC Harvey, LAC Graham Taken at Binbrook Lincs, 460 sqn |
460 sqn photo with AR-Q ‘Queenie’ W4988 lost on op to Berlin 3 / 4 Sep 43 crashed in Larod Sweden. Bud's crew was in Queenie when it was shot down. Petersen was sick for that op and Sgt. Allen O'Brien replaced him. |
Roberts Dunstan lost his leg in the first siege of Tobruk in 1941. He was invalided home and discharged. He managed somehow to convience the RAAF to accept him for aircrew training in 1942. He was posted to 460 sqn as a tail gunner. He completed 30 tours starting in June 1943. In Oct of 43 he was commissioned and awarded the DSO. It is believed that he is the only Commonwealth air gunner to be so honoured. He is the only Australian air gunner to receive the DSO during WWII. |