Select one of the
headlines below to view.
23 May 2006 Updates. See News for details
Our tribute to those who served or sacrificed their lives with the
RCAF during WWII. Includes a special tribute to an uncle I never
knew, F/Sgt John Kopchuk KIA 22 Jun 43 while serving with 429 sqn, 6
(RCAF) Group
429 sqn history
429 "Bison" Sqn history 1942-46
Online Book
This is a rough draft (no editing, formatting
or spell checking) of the WWII history I am writing. It should be
ready for publication soon. Proposed title: Nothing to Change: The
WWII diary of 429 Bison Squadron RCAF
How to do researh on someone who served in
Bomber Command
6 Group History
Information about 6 Group
Bomber Command History
Information about Bomber Command.
ACM for Bombers
Everything you want to know about tactics for bombers and the
technical details
Contains info on battle damage and the Lanc, Wellington and Halifax
as well. Also included photo's of the Nanton
German Luftwaffe
Section on the German Luftwaffe and their tactics against Bomber
Command. Currently has information on how German Flak works
Some of my favourite books I have used in research for this site
Our favorite links
WWII Flight sims
Our favourte WWII flight sims
A list of people who have helped me in my quest 
